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MMU Student Volunteer

PPHM Shelter JB 1664, Taman Mesra Rim 2, Malacca

🔖 10/9/23 9-2pm Sunday 这是一个非常令人感动的举动!这群20位MMU学生的热血和善心,以及他们的奉献精神,将有助于提高人们对狗场和无家可归的狗狗们面临的挑战的认识。通过亲自体验和服务,他们可以更好地理解狗狗的困境,并帮助传播更多的关爱和支持。这种志愿服务对社区和动物福利都是非常有益的。希望他们的努力能够有所回报,让更多人关注和改善这一问题。👏🐶💕 That's wonderful! Kind-hearted volunteers from MMU Melaka coming to a dog shelter to help is a great example of community involvement and compassion. Their assistance and support can make a significant difference in the lives of the dogs at the shelter. It's heartwarming to see individuals dedicating their time and […]

Student Internship Program (UPM)

PPHM Shelter JB 1664, Taman Mesra Rim 2, Malacca

Student Internship Prog (UPM) at PPHM Animal Sanctuary located at Rim,Jasin. They feel comfortable and learn a lot. They try to make the best at the animal shelter Thank you so much for choosing us (PPHM) an internship and training program Always have fun with intern mates and our furry friends You are not expected […]

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